New Image
A women skiing on the mountains wearing vibrant clothing in the style of a japanese poster
Change the hat the woman is wearing
into a ski mask

Use Midjourney™
without Discord

An AI image generator for designers, marketers, and agencies

Trusted by 1,000+ leading professionals

A beautiful greek goddess standing in golden light, hyperrealistic and 4K
A city skyline with colours of purple, pink and dark during the sunset

Used by professionals from these companies

How it works

It’s that easy to generate something beautiful.

A library of powerful
features in a single interface

Get all the same and more features in Journey+ to speed up your workflow and get a design closer to your imagination.

Midjourney™ Image Generation

Powered by Midjourney™ v6 for high quality image generation to level up your designs

Upload & Blend Images

Blend (up to 5) images or create images in an uploaded style

Dynamic Frames & Aspect Ratios

Change your canvas to common
digital aspect ratios such as 1:1 or 16:9

Image History

Jump across your generated image history with ease via the history panel

Image Variance & Editing

Change generated images towards your liking

Zoom Out

Zoom out and expand your images

Use cases

Choose your plan and unlock unlimited usage.

Made with Journey+

See how people are using Journey+ to create next-level designs for their marketing, design, social media, and businesses.

an animated library
The woolly mammoth in real-life
D&D themed war party find themselves 
lost in Times Square
Portrait of a 22 year old man with brown hair and brown eyes, unshaved, light blue background
a editorial for vogue of Christy Turlington dressed in Céline sleeping on a billion apples
salmon and tuna sashimi
Blurry moving polaroid of teenager sticking his head out the window of a moving car at night in a city.
beautiful woman in a white dress, coastal photoshoot
bright orange shelf mushrooms on the side of a tree stump, watercolour
An interior photograph of a luxury hotel typical Italian style with a view of the bay of naples Amalfi coast through the window

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the below if you have any more burning questions about Journey+ and what we're building

How does Journey+ use Midjourney?

We simply mimic Discord-based interactions into an interface that can be used by anyone.  

All integrations are implemented in-house. For example, if you generate an image we mimic that interaction onto our interface. We don’t require you to have a Midjourney account to use our platform.

Midjourney™ Trademark is a trademark of Midjourney™, Inc. We are not endorsed by or affiliated with Midjourney™, Inc.

Can I download unlimited images as a premium user?

Yep, we don’t limit your option to download images. However there is a 10K image credit generation limit that is renewed every month.

Is there a free trial?

Yes! You can try Journey+ and see the magic for yourself.

Is there mobile support?

Currently Journey+ is only available on desktop.

Do you support the latest v6 Midjourney?

Yes! We recently added the v6 model. You can view our feature updates on our product changelog.

Who is behind the product?

Journey+ is built by a team at Halation. We are venture studio building design-focused products.

I have other questions, how do I reach the team?

We are available via live chat to answer your questions! Alternatively, you can email the Journey+ team via

Start generating
Midjourney™ images.

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